Monday, 25 February 2013

everywhere words, but not a blog to post

So I worked over the weekend as I'd said I would.

It wasn't as bad as I'd feared, though - I did about 6 hours on Saturday and 3 or 4 on Sunday.  When I was driving home on Sunday I was reflecting on how screwed my thought process was: I'd gotten the Sunday afternoon off: bonus!  Oh no, wait, I'm not being paid for working Saturday and Sunday at all, so I shouldn't be doing any work at all, let alone celebrating getting an afternoon off that I'm already entitled too.

However, I didn't pre-write any posts.  Obviously I could have done it on the Sunday afternoon but while I did spend most of that time on the computer I had lots of other stuff to do so didn't write any posts.

This is actually particularly annoying as I've run out of pre-written review posts as well, so expect the blogging to be pretty thin on the ground this week.

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