Wednesday 9 July 2008


How come kettles are always 1.7litres?

I've never figured that out it's such a random number. Why not 1.5litres? Or 2 litres?

And besides, they never actually take 1.7 litres anyway. If you actually fill them up that much then when it boils, it will bubble out of the spout, which is more than a little dangerous.

It just seems stupid to me - designed but not properly tested.

Well, just got an e-mail telling me newtype, animedia and animage are on the way, so I should have them early next week. I still need to scan the previous two animages, but I'm awful close to clearing the decks for magazine scans, so hopefully I can tackle some of the artbooks.

You never know, I may update with some more scans too at some point.

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