Friday 8 August 2008


Watched a film called hostage last night. It was okay, but it did feel like it sorta lacked something. I dunno, it was like it lacked twists--as if there were parts that were meant to be twists, but they didn't quite have the punch to be proper twists.

The film starred Bruce Willis. I'm not sure if I quite like Bruce Willis--I mean, he seems to end up in a lot of poor films, but has also been in some really rather good ones. In terms of him as a person, though, every interview or thing I've heard about him has kinda made him sound like a bit of a dick-head.

Most recently I read the Kevin Smith collected blog book thing and he was in that (Smith is in Die Hard 4). And even though Smith professes his adoration for the man, what he writes in terms of what happened when he was there shooting kinda underlined the impression I have that Willis is a bit of bell-end.

My TV is on the fritz a bit. I got digital a little while back and have been nothing but impressed. However, the other day the reception seemed to go on the fritz, and I dunno if you've ever seen digital when the reception is poor, but it's outright unwatchable.

That's its big disadvantage. For normal telly if the reception is poor, you can still kinda watch it, it'll just have more 'snow' or the sound will be crackly. For digital if the reception is poor it stutters and the picture breaks up to such an extent you just cannot watch it. And it tends to be a threshold thing as well--perfectly fine down to a given strength, and then *bam* unwatchable.

Hopefully this fritzyness is due to a poor connection that I know about. I've asked my landlord to take a look see if it's come loose. Otherwise I'm kinda knackered. The worst thing is it's primarily the BBC channels that are affected, and it's those I watch the most :(.

Just got e-mails saying animedia, animage and newtype are on the way--so I should have them next week :).

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