Wednesday 27 August 2008

mu of the moment

So yesterday I mentioned having watched Aegis of Uruk via download, so that also means I got a bunch of scanning done. Mostly this was the three outstanding anime mags, but I did also tackle a couple of artbooks.

I've sort of come to the realisation that part of the reason I've let the anime books pile up is because I started scanning them at 600dpi. To put this into context it took me the same time to scan two entire magazines at 400dpi as it did to scan one artbook at 600dpi. That's around 90 images compared to around 30. I think I may rationalise it a bit more--use the same criteria of just the pics I really like at 600dpi that I do for the mags. Anyway, the point of this post is that as well as watching the entirety of aegis of Uruk, I also watched a few of the old fansubs too:

  • Kaiba - Hmm, I've a feeling this is brilliant. But unfortunately, I just didn't like it. There were a couple of reasons for that. First off, the art style was a real turn-off. If you've ever seen The Beatles Yellow Submarine film, or are familiar with some of the 60's psychedelic inspired art, it's like that, and it does nothing for me. But also, a lot of the story is quite abstract. This is why I suspect it's brilliant, but unfortunately I must admit I'm too stupid to work some of it out, so it just didn't do much for me.
  • Monochrome Factor - This was, well, if not rubbish, then just plain dull. It just seemed like a rehash of bunch of shounen standards. It does appear to have a gay character in it, though, so I wasn't entirely sure who this was quite aimed--certainly not people who like well told stories (zing!). The third ep especially was terribly dull and horribly drawn out.
  • Ikkitousen: Great Guardians - I've only seen the one ep, but I actually kinda liked it. The reason the previous animated versions of ikki tousen have failed is they've taken themselves too seriously. I know the English manga translation is all fucked up, but you can still tell that Yuji Shiozaki knows his manga is really all just about tits and arse. Great Guardians seems like it might finally have cottoned on to the same idea.

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