Wednesday 4 February 2009

back to work - but for how long?

Well, I'm back to work today.

The snow on Monday morning was biblical. When I went to sleep Sunday not a single flake had fallen, when I tried to get out to my Car on Monday I was greeted by this:

The snow was at least 6 inches thick and on the road that connects us to the estate it was apparently 8 inches thick!

There was no way I could get out - the front of my car isn't even 8 inches high!

On Tuesday the snow had subsided a bit, but only because it had frozen solid. It was literally a nightmare of unmovable snow.

I would still be trapped today, except for the fact that my landlord had to get out yesterday and spent all Tuesday digging an escape route.

The roads of the estate were still icy, but I figured enough was enough - time to get out. Plus it was all reaching crisis point as my supplies are getting a bit low. I'm guessing more people will be back today and the shops will be absolute carnage, but I've not got much of a choice.

I'd love to say I spent the days off wisely, but truth be told Monday I basically worked from home. Tuesday I totally wasted - I just spent all day playing Civ3 (oh no - not again!). I should have done some hardcore anime watching or scanning or something, but I couldn't be arsed if I'm honest.

The weekend went well. It was good - I'll blog on it later, though.

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