Thursday 9 April 2009

4-day weekend!

Well now, who doesn't love a four-day weekend?

I most certainly do.

What would have been ideal is if I had absolutely no commitments for this Easter weekend. I could really do with some chill-out time.

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen, although what is happening isn't exactly unpleasant. I'm going down to Devon to visit my dad. The specific reason is that me and my sister are going to be giving him his birthday present.

His birthday isn't actually until October, but we're getting him the presents now because they relate to our big trip in May.

I've not really mentioned the big trip in detail. Basically the family is going to the Monaco Grand Prix!

It should be really great, although it's costing me an absolute packet. It's costing my Dad even more as he's paying for the tickets and flights and stuff. It's kinda like a joint birthday present for me and my sister, I guess.

I'm also planning to surprise my sister and give her her gift as well this weekend.

The only nasty part this weekend might be the traffic, as it's coming warm and sunny now so many people may feel the desire to go for a bit of a trip down to Devon. Fingers crossed I don't get snarled up!

Anyway, I'll not be updating until after the weekend, so have a good one.

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