Friday 15 May 2009

hell is other people

Meeting from hell yesterday.

Actually that's not true. But only in so far as it wasn't a meeting but a 'brainstorming session'.

The thing I found the most frustrating was that we got to a stage where I thought we were on the cusp of making a selection. We needed to pick an idea to pursue and I thought we'd done some reasonable drilling down to get to some of those specific things.

However, at the point we were making that decision there suddenly appeared to be a huge leap backwards and instead of being low level we were suddenly very high-level and it seemed like nothing had been decided.

Worse, something totally counter-intuitive happened. We each got to vote and even though one option clearly won, the people who supported the one that lost stuck their heels in and we ended up going for that one!

Even worse than that, it's a shit idea that I quite frankly don't understand. Indeed, no-one I'm working with understands and it's us that have got to write the goddamn bid!


Towards the end I was just focusing on one thing: I'm on holiday for two weeks from Monday.

Yes, that's right, two whole weeks off.

Plus, it's a proper holiday to foreign parts. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before properly, but me and the family are going to see the Monaco Grand Prix.

That part of the holiday lasts a week so I've a few days before hand to get my life sorted out and pack and stuff and then a few days after to chill out.

I'm really looking forward to it.

Doubt I'll be bogging during that period, so see you in two weeks.

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