Monday 1 June 2009

return to work

Well, I'm back to work.

Truth be told I'm a bit broken after the holiday.

The skin on my arms is still peeling, I'm still bloody tired and I appear to have picked up some sort of cold. It's a bit of a half-arsed cold, though - I don't really feel bad as such, but I've got a soar throat and a mild case of the sniffles. I'm guessing it's a reflection of being a bit run down more than anything.

It was an excellent holiday. I'll be blogging about it in detail later in the week I think - today is just about getting used to being back at work, I think.

I've still loads to catch up on post holiday.

One of the things I always forget is just how much internetting I do. You go away for not even a couple of weeks and you've 70 e-mails to deal with - and these aren't just spam, they need me to do stuff. And then there's all the forums and news sites a surf on a regular basis that I've been trying to catch up on.

There's a good week of catching up there alone and on top of that there's all the real-world stuff too of course.

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