Friday 11 September 2009

scanning the future

I got an e-mail this Tuesday or Wednesday telling me the new issues of Newtype, Animage and Animedia were on their way.

I'm not sure if they'll be here for the weekend - there's a good chance, based on previous experience that they'll turn up on Monday - but when they do arrive that will mean I'll have three straight months worth of un-scanned Japanese mags.

Those anime I mentioned yesterday - normally I would have watched those while scanning. But I've gotten so far behind and I've still not summoned the energy to do any scanning, so I've just watched them like they were normal episodes.

To be fair, there have been a lot of contributing factors to why I've not done any scanning in ages. For example, I watched BSG over the summer - that was a lot of episodes and therefore sucked up a lot of time.

Also, I've been doing loads of e-baying, and that always eats away a lot more time than you think. And then there was Monaco. I know it was ages ago, but it took ages to get stuff sorted out afterwards, plus it used up two whole weeks of holiday, so I've not really had many spare days over the summer.

Then there's been work. This last few months I've been so busy it's been really sucking up both my time and energy. It's like I've lost count of how many days this year I've worked really late.

So yeah, there are reasons, but that doesn't get to the core of the issue.

This core problem is I no longer really have anything to do with my scans.

When I started scanning mags I was a waller and also I had AP to upload them too. Both of those things are now gone, so it's like, why bother? What difference does it really make whether I scan stuff or not?

And the thing is I really don't have any answer to that other than "none". So I really am wondering whether I shouldn't just give up scanning altogether. It would certainly ease this sense of pressure and guilt I feel.

But then another side of me like the idea of scanning the mags. I mean, I can't read the text, so it's kinda nice thing to do with them. Plus I may find a future outlet for them, so better not to stop.

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