Friday 18 September 2009

weird night

Last night was a bit weird.

During the day I was feeling quite good, but then when I got home I dunno - it was like my blood sugar crashed or something, but that wouldn't make sense as I had quite a large dinner (too large, really as I made a bit of an error).

It was weird. All I really ended up doing was reading a few comics :/.

Plans for the weekend are pretty low key.

Hopefully what I'll do is actually continue with the start I made at scanning my magazine backlog. Also I'd like to watch some proper anime on DVD, but recently there's been a bit of an increase in the number of shows that I've been watching on telly and I'd rather keep them in line.

Someone in the office has had swine flu!

My malaise is unrelated, as they have been working off site, although he's in today so I'm sure I'll be imagining symptoms throughout the weekend!

It's slightly weird when you actually know someone who's had this thing that the media has been banging on about for so long.

By the sound of things he's not been having much fun, though - quite a nasty little disease by the sounds of things!

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