Tuesday 26 January 2010

almost normal

Last night was about the closest to a normal night I've had in ages. By normal I mean it followed the expected routine.

Obviously, over Christmas I was on holiday, so that was very not normal. Then after Christmas was when it snowed. I was initially trapped in, so that wasn't normal, and then I was struggling into work, again far from normal, because it took ages and I had to get up really early and stuff.

And just recently I've been struggling with the whole bent wheel and driving on the space-saver. During that time I was again getting up early, to try to avoid the traffic (it didn't really work) and setting off later for the same reason (that worked better). But again - up very early and getting back late, which sucks up my time.

So yesterday was normal - I got up at my usual time, did the usual stuff, work was nothing unusual and then back home at the usual sort of time. I had my dinner and there was some spare time to watch a bit of telly, rather than me having to go straight to bed.

It was kinda nice, in a boring sort of way.

The telly I watched was the most recent couple of episodes of Being Human. I like Being Human - it shares a lot of similarities with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but at the same time it's very different.

The thing I like most is the blend of drama and comedy. I have to admit that for the first few episodes of this new series I think it wasn't quite right. It felt too heavy, emotionally. No, that's not right - Being Human often has heavy stuff in it, but it's the way they blend that with funny stuff that makes the show work, and it's the funny stuff that's been a bit lacking.

Well, the latest episodes, which was shown on Sunday had a much better balance. There was still a lot of heavy emotional stuff, but the funny was also ramped up - I genuinely laughed out loud a couple of times.

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