Friday 12 February 2010

winter olympics sans snow

The winter olympics start today.

On the whole, sport isn't really my thing. The only sport I really follow is Formula one and I also have a passing interest in most other forms of motor sport. However, what I would say is that the winter olympics do have some interesting events. Certainly more interesting that the summer olympics.

I'm not a big fan of stuff on skis or skateboards, but I like all the ones where they careen down an ice course in a toboggan or what amounts to a tea tray. I also quite like the more team based events - curling is particularly interesting (I've always really enjoyed sports of that nature - bowling like sports - when I've played them) and the Scots are quite good at it too, which always adds something.

Anyway, I was chatting about it with a work colleague the other day and I was saying that although it's been unusually cold here (and in the USA, interestingly), the rest of the world has been quite warm and I'd heard that Canada was lacking snow. Which kinda shows how, even though I've said I'm vaguely interested, I've not really been paying much attention.

The reason not was because he informed me that indeed, the bit of Canada that's hosting the games - British Columbia, I believe - has had very little snow. So I asked how they were going to hold the games and he told me that they've actually been shipping snow up from the US.

I found this highly amusing - the idea that the slopes, etc have had to have snow dug up from America and shipped up North. Not in a bad way - it's just odd. Apparently it's happened several times before, though and they solved it in exactly the same way by shipping the snow to where it was needed.

I've been having a weird couple of weeks at work where things seem to come in big peaks and troughs. So for example, the start of this week I had very little to do, but then Wednesday and yesterday absolutely loads. It's all a bit confusing.

Sorry this post is a bit random and rambly. I looked back at my previous Friday posts the other day and realised they're always full of me saying how I'm hoping to do some stuff over the weekend but expecting I'll be rubbish and not do it, so I wanted to post about something else.

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