Monday 29 March 2010


So having caught man flu sometime the previous weekend, it got progressively worse as the week went on.

By Wednesday I was in quite a state, and so when I woke up on Thursday and things were even worse, I decided I wasn't going to come into work. And that's why the bloggage stopped.

And this was genuine not feeling well, not skiving off. I practically spent all of Thursday morning sleeping, only really 'getting up' at lunch time. Even then, the best I could manage was watching telly stuff I'd recorded on my PVR.

Friday was 'touch and go' - I could probably have braved it into work, but I was far from being well. It was probably on a par with Wednesday, where I was in, but I achieved very little and felt awful.

It was a slightly more productive day, in the sense that I did quite a lot of scanning and watched quite a lot of anime. I'll do some posts about the shows I watched later, but the main thing was the scanning. I've now managed to finish scanning all of the megami and nyan type magazines.

Well, until more turn up, but I was really quite pleased with this. I've also not totally gone off scanning, although I will admit I put my scanner away. However, Easter is looming large next weekend and it's fully my intention to do a load more scanning then too.

So although I'm not going to pretend I'm still a long way off, hopefully it won't take me as long to get caught up as I'd feared.

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