Thursday 29 July 2010

just frigging BLOW

Don't you just hate people who don't blow their nose?

There are two sub-species of this annoying behaviour - first there are the chronic sniffers, and then there are the suckers.

Your first variety are people who just steadfastly refuse to blow their nose at all. Perhaps they've got a cold or just happen to have a bit of random snot or some other irritation in their conk, but instead of getting a tissue or handkerchief and having a good hard blow to get rid of it, they'll sit their sniffing. Every few minutes it'll be sniff... sniff... sniff... sniff - it drives me potty.

But I hate the second variety even more, for these people have somehow managed to grow up without ever realising the whole point of blowing your nose is to BLOW. You BLOW to push the unwanted foreign matter out of your nose. That's the whole idea and it's also why it's called BLOWing your nose.

But not these people. Oh no, blowing is too good for them. They suck. Both figuratively and literally.

They'll get their tissue, raise it to their nose and just as you think they're about to give a good blow and clear their conk, instead they squeeze the end of their nose as if they're trying to wring the snot out. In addition, either at the same time as this ineffectual squeeze or just after releasing their nose, they'll give a big sniff, sucking the root cause of the problem back up, instead of pushing it out.

I know all these intimate details, because my sister is that most heinous of beings - a cross-mix of both 1 and 2. She'll spend hours sniffing and sniffing, then when she finally does blow, it'll be of the ineffectual suck variety!

For years I was convinced she'd developed this strategy purely to torment me, but then I encountered other people that did the same thing.

Seriously - how hard can it be? Blowing your nose means BLOWing it.

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