Monday 16 August 2010

walk the earth, my friend

I decided over the weekend that I was going to start walking.

A few weeks (or was it months?) back - roughly when the weather started to perk up a bit - I started doing walks on Sunday afternoons. This lasted for a little while and I even had what I thought was a really good route worked out.

The route was about 2 miles or so, which isn't a huge distance, but one of the key points about it was that the last stage involved a really steep bit of about half a mile. The meant it was quite decent exercise for someone who is horribly out of shape like me, but also didn't take forever.

However, my main problem I encountered was timing. As the summer got going I started to get a nasty clash - both F1 and MotoGP races tend to start at around 1 or 2 in the afternoon and go on for about an hour and a half. This was right when I'd made the slot for walking, so I kept finding myself making the "oh, I'll fit it in next week instead".

But of course I didn't, so I basically stopped do the walks.

So what's different this time?

Well mainly, my plan is to take a very short walk every morning. For about the last 2 years I've been getting up at about 6:45 and going into work very early. Quite why I do this when I spend that first hour basically browsing the web, I don't know, so instead I've decided I'll go for a short sharp walk first thing and not worry about getting in quite so early.

And it really is a short walk - about 15 minutes, so probably less than a mile. But that's part of the aim - by doing shorter walks for time being I'm hoping I can build up. My hope is that I may then be able to do a short walk some evenings as well.

I also think I've hit upon a strategy that allows me to basically replace my bread consumption during the week. I'll still bake myself a fresh loaf at the weekend, partly as a treat and partly as I can control what and when I eat a lot more easily at the weekend.

I'm still too embarrassed to say what I replaced the bread with, but I think I'm feeling okay about admitting I want to loose weight. Previously I was simply saying it was about being a "bit fitter" and while I still want that (it'd be so nice to go up stairs without getting totally of breath) I can admit that a big part of it is being morbidly obese (no matter how fit you are if you were giving a piggy back to someone who weighed the same as you up those stairs, you'd be out of breath too).

As such, I ordered a set of bathroom scales to actually weight myself and determine the extent of the problem. I know it's going to be horribly scary - the scales I've ordered are "XL" if you will and I've still got a feeling I'll be over their maximum weight. And I'm not kidding there - I genuinely think that even though they measure way above what normal scales do I'll weigh more than that.


Amy said...

I wish you all the best. :D

We can build up together. I can only do about a mile at the minute and it takes me ages.

Kara is doing this no-carb thing and she's lost 6" on her waist.

I so wish I lived closer to you.

trismugistus said...

Thank you - I've really got to stick with it. It was really tough this morning (Friday) as I've been struggling to sleep (I'm doing all this extra exercise that's making me knackered, but for some reason I'm sleeping less), but I still got up and went for a walk.