Wednesday 19 January 2011

down, not up

I thought I'd switch things up this week and post reviews on Tuesday and Thursday, in order to help me catch up. I also think I've decided to do reviews of crunchyroll shows on here, rather than on my website proper. Actually, the whole website refresh thing has hit a bit of a brick wall, so dunno what's ultimately going to happen with the site.

Anyway, point is today I'm going to do the weekly weight post.

Last week I was anticipating a small gain or, at best, no change, but actually I had a two pound loss. This loss actually takes me below where I was before my chrimbo splurge.

I must admit I'm actually at a bit of a loss to explain the Christmas splurge. Or at least, at a bit of a loss to explain why the net effect has been so minimal.

Last time I went off-diet was when I had my holiday at the end of last summer. On that occasion I was pretty good for the beginning of the week and did lots of walking throughout the week, but at the end of the week I went seriously "off piste" and ate lots of junk. This had the effect of meaning the week was effectively nullified - I lost and gained nothing.

This last Chrimbo, I essentially stopped my diet, but exercise was partly scuppered by the weather, but also self-sabotaged by my being silly about not building up the distance I was walking. The point being that I didn't do a spectacular amount of exercise, ate fairly badly and have ended up roughly where I started.

My theory last week was to do with slow bowels, and I still basically believe that, but I also wonder if the decreased size of my stomach had a roll to play. See, while I was eating badly, I have to admit I was struggling to eat the sorts of volumes of food I remember eating pre-diet.

There were quite a few days where I'd eat a really big roast lunch (as previously mentioned I came back from my dad with way more roast stuff that I was expecting) and then I'd be so full I would only eat a little bit extra later on. The difficulty there is that the little bit extra would tend to be a few sweets or biscuits, so I dunno.

Anyway, I'm over-analysing. The point is I lost a couple of pounds and lesson learned - I won't make any sort of prediction about this next weekend. It could go up or down or stay the same.

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