Monday 16 September 2013

landlord away

My landlord has gone away on holiday for about a week and a half.

This is good timing and bad.

The good part is that it means I can get into the shed.  I've a lot of stuff I need to get rid of in there, both from a space point of view, but also from a getting some cash point of view.

He's basically blocked in all my stuff in a corner, which is staggeringly annoying if I want to get something out, but I mean, it's his shed, I shouldn't really expect to have easy access, should I?

I'm particularly expecting to sell a lot of the figures I've collected.  I think these were one of my madder moments from the recent years.  They take up quite a lot of room and I don't actually have anywhere to put them.  Unfortunately they also lose value quite quickly - once a series is a few years old, people don't want the figures.  In fact, they don't sell all that well even if they're a current series, in my experience.

Still, I've so many of them I should do okay with getting a bit of money, which I sorely need.

I'm struggling with the finances quite badly.  I'm just about living within my means, but I really need to see about getting something done in terms of a loan to replace the credit card debt.  The payments for the cards are killing me and obviously being credit cards you're mainly just paying off interest, rather than the debt itself.

It's not so good in that it's a bit late - I had thought he was going away last week, which would have worked a lot better from a timing point of view.  It also means the weather is now proper autumn, so it's been raining a lot, making it difficult to do some of the stuff I want to / need to.  So, for example, giving the car a clean will be a bit of a trick shot.

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