Wednesday 11 June 2008

fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun

It's been really sunny and warm here the last three or four days.

Now normally I would be struggling with this. Being one big-arsed fat fuck, hot weather is generally not the most comfortable thing for me. My eyes are also very sensitive to bright light, so I end up squinting and still being nearly blind. Also, I need a lot of sleep every night and I find it difficult to get to sleep if it's warm and sticky. Hot is almost always accompanied by sticky in this country.

However, at the moment I'm actually kinda enjoying the hot weather.

The reason is that the last 2 years have been really bad weather wise. Now I kinda like rainy days, but this last couple of years it's rained almost continuously, with entire weeks of torrential downpours.

I also prefer it cooler, but this last couple of years it's been bone-chillingly cold. Even in spring and autumn I've had to have my heating on full blast, which is unusual for me. On top of which fuel costs have spiralled, of course, so it's been costing a small fortune.

So given all that, I'm almost glad it's sunny and warm - even if it's just because it represents something of a change :/.

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