Wednesday 30 July 2008

small reprieve

Wages went in sometime yesterday--I honestly can't get my head around what happens with my pay any more. It's not the end of the month and it's not the last Friday. It just seems to be "sort of towards the end... ish" :/.

But at least it means something of a reprieve - loans still not materialised. In the letter it mentioned something about the 5th of August--I hope it's not that they're waiting till then. The whole point of getting a loan is that I need the money now. Delaying it seems pointless. Especially since it means both my old loan and c-card payments will come out, and the whole point is to reduce/remove those as soon as possible :/.

Got a message saying the new megami is on the way, so I should have that next week some time. Hopefully I can pump in some artbook scanning this long w/end to clear a few of them out of the way.

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