Thursday 25 September 2008

i hate when that happens

I think I mentioned a little while back that I was starting to feel the old walling bug gripping me again.

I've been working on a Soul Eater wall after I found the series to me quite enjoyable the other week. It seemed to have some reasonable scans that I got some ideas for.

I've not really been experiencing wallers block--it's not so much that I've been stuck for ideas, it's more like the ideas I've been having have been way beyond my ability. Previously I'd probably have launched into them anyway, struggled for months and than been disappointed with the outcome.

Recently I've just been not starting.

But anyway, I saw some SE scans, got some ideas and started. I actually started with a simple one where I was basically just recreating the scan, just to get into the swing of things.

And someone's beaten me to the punch :(.

Basically, this wall by halcyontwilight is what I've been working on.

I mean, mine's different, but I've been doing the same idea--recreated the scan.

It kinda takes the momentum out of me continuing. I mean, one of the reasons I've often picked unpopular series to wall is because I basically know that no-one else will use the scan before me.

I'm not actually a very talented artist and have only a few skills when it comes to photoshop, so I'm very slow. That makes walling popular series dangerous, as there's a good chance someone will use the scan first.

Of course that doesn't stop me using it; it's just I always like to feel there's something exclusive or individual about my walls. I mean, heck, they're never actually any good, so at the least they can be unique on some level.

Ah well, I'll guess I'll finish it, but it's just annoying. Especially when the other person did such a good job :/.

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