Wednesday 12 November 2008

men with brooms

I watched Men with Brooms on DVD this last weekend.

It was kinda okay. I dunno. I kept getting this really weird feeling that it was sort of like a sequel, but also that it never quite got going.

It was a weird feeling like it was a TV movie that had been made after a show had been cancelled and then fan-supported had managed to get the film made. A bit like Firefly where the show got cancelled and then fan-support got Serenity made.

I don't think that was true, though - I think it was just that it was a plot that was carrying around a lot of back-story. Like they'd over-developed the characters and their relationships and then not quite explained it all in the best way possible.

Also, the film was about curling. Well, no, actually it wasn't about curling it was about relationships, which all stories should be, but this was hung a framework of curling. Curling is the sport where they chuck rocks down the ice and try and get them closest to a target.

Anyway, the point was it didn't quite explain curling properly either. There was a weird dynamic to it. It was a bit like it didn't quite know where to hang its hat.

I don't know if you've seen dodgeball, but on the one hand it was like it wanted to be like that - a piss take of those 'triumphing at sport' films. But then equally it seemed like it wanted to play it seriously and be one of those triumphing through sport films.

I dunno, it just lacked something somewhere - like it didn't quite make up its mind what it wanted to be.

Also, it had Frasier the Mounty in it from Due South (actually I think he directed it too, if not wrote it). I loved Due South and one of these days I'm going to by it on DVD - it was a great show.

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