Wednesday 26 November 2008


(*gets down off hobby horse*) I got a bit carried away yesterday :).

My intent was not to go on a rant about the problems of piracy in anime, but was instead to comment on the whole Crunchyroll thing.

"But what Crunchyroll thing?!" I hear you scream in your beautiful dulcet tones. Well, the announcement that Crunchyroll is going to stop accepting fansubs of course, my young friend.

It's a weird site Crunchyroll.

It's a bit social-networking site (ughh) and a bit YouTube (ughh) and all anime (ug--er, no I mean yay!). Or, to put it more simply, facebook dry-humps YouTube and produces a mutant weaboo offspring.

As you may detect I'm not hugely keen. This is mainly because the whole social-networking thing kinda doesn't appeal to me. It's like internets for kiddies. And YouTube is just the biggest collection of fucktards and fucktardery ever assemble in one (virtual) place.

Basically, Crunchyroll has thrived on piracy since it's inception - users are allowed to submit anime (i.e. they uploaded the latest bit of piracy they've engaged in) and also people post in forums and each other's userpages and all that banal drivel stuff.

One of the difficulties I have is that anime is predominantly a kids thing. I don't mean like little kids - I just mean people who aren't old, like me. Me and my age groups make up a very small slice of the anime watching public.

And while I'm not going to comment on that specifically, Crunchyroll is the sort of place that underlines the fact that I'm up to twice the age of most anime watchers. And that makes me feel old.

Anyway, the point of this post was that actually I welcome the whole move to stop fansub uploads. Especially since it seems to be accompanied by a move to get the anime companies submitting stuff.

To me this seems like a win-win situation. If there are more sites with legally downloadable anime that's available soon after the original airing in Japan, that can only be a good thing.

Oh, the other thing I wanted to mention was Bost TV. Having ragged on Crunchyroll, Bost is what I see as the better way of doing things.

Unfortunately for me, I seem to be in a minority, as Bost appears to have pretty much ground to a halt. There's very little new stuff been available for a long time, which to me is a shame as I've really liked it when I've used it.

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