Wednesday 17 December 2008

lucky number slevin

It was quite the film watching weekend this last weekend.

I kinda got to Sunday afternoon and sort of knew I should do some things (like scan megami, etc) but that thing I was talking about last week about how I'm sort of treading water until the holidays really kicked into overdrive. So instead I basically just watched a bunch of films and TV I've recorded. Which isn't a bad thing - it cleared up some stuff I've had on my to do list.

Anyway, one of the films was Lucky Number Slevin.

I had almost no idea what this was going to be about, and was kinda surprised at how good it actually was.

However, I did kinda guess the end. I mean, there were a couple of little twists I didn't see, but I'd figured out the big reveals some way before they actually happened. Although to some extent I wasn't sure if they were really meant to be hidden that deeply anyway. It was a bit like a twist movie that didn't try too hard to hide its twists so that it was a bit fairer on the audience, if that makes sense.

Also, I have to say that Bruce Willis's performance was very poor. I think to some extent it was supposed to be aloof and distant, but the trouble was it was too far that way. It kinda came off as him just going through the motions, rather than making the character interesting on any level.

However, I think partly that was because the other characters were all really top-notch and interesting. In fact they really pulled the movie through, which was why the whole twist thing seemed less important. It was more about the characters than the plot, if you see what I mean.

Which is a good thing, don't get me wrong, it just meant Willis's detached and cold character stuck out like a soar thumb, because everybody else had a wit as sharp as a razor.

Although saying that it did seem a bit odd on that front, especially when you see Morgan Freeman and Ben Kinglsey's characters. Freeman especially seems rather too jovial for a man who's just been through what he's been through (I'm trying to avoid any spoilers), but I guess it sort of makes sense when you see the twist.

Anyway, the point is it's a film well worth checking out.

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