Thursday 2 April 2009

more about bowels

I've been... well, I was going to say suffering, but I've not really been suffering as such, more inconvenienced, I guess. So I've been inconvenienced these last few days by my bowels.

It's not my intention to turn this into some sort of scatological blog all about my bowel movements, but it's kinda been occupying my attention and a lot of my time this last week, as you can imagine.

Basically, I think I ate something that didn't quite agree with me. That's pretty unusual for me - my bowels are normally like cast-iron. And what it was I don't know - I've not even really got any good culprits, it just started affecting me fairly swiftly on Sunday afternoon.

Anyway, as I say, I've not really felt ill as such, just the occasional abdominal pain and the occasional need to beat a retreat to the nearest lavatory.

Thankfully things seem to have calmed down somewhat now, but it means I've not really felt in the mood to do much of anything interesting. It's difficult to know when an 'attack' will come on.

Instead, I've been trying to keep on top of the television stuff. It's getting pretty tough, I must admit. The hard-drive on my PVR is constantly hovering around the one-third full mark, which is a lot of unwatched stuff. Fingers crossed that the burden of new shows eases a little.

One thing I've been thinking is that a new show starting on the BBC called the Wire isn't actually all that new and is available on DVD. The BBC is blitzing showing the first season - it's on every weeknight! - so I'm very tempted just to watch a couple and then if I like it get the DVDs.

In a way that's transference as it means yet more DVDs to watch, but at least I won't fill my PVR's hard drive.

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