Tuesday 23 June 2009

keep on scanning

So I've been scanning away like mad just recently. I didn't get quite as much done over the weekend as I'd hoped, though. I mean I did a fair bit - a newtype, an animage and the posters from a megami - but I'd been hoping to get almost all of it done.

Part of the problem was that there was loads of telly for me to watch.

I noted before that I've been watching Big Brother and that essentially adds the best part of 7-8 hours of telly watching to my schedule per week. Now it's not as bad as that sounds, because it's more like one hour every day, but it means I can't watch other stuff in that hour, obviously.

But the big thing that's currently knackering me up is Thursday nights. For some reason about a third the programs I'm watching are all scheduled on a Thursday night. It's kind of getting a bit silly, tbh and I'm both hoping one or two of them will end and that I'll be brave enough to severe a couple of them, as they're not that good if I'm brutally honest.

Anyway, the anime shows I've been sampling while scanning have been:

Every year there are one or two shows that are 'stand-out' series for me. They're the shows that I desperately hope will get licensed in the west, and if I ever got to the stage of properly controlling my excessive spending, I would still buy these shows.

One of the best way for me to tell a show like this is if I get to the end of my usual 3 episode sample and I feel torn as to whether I should sample the fourth episode too. If I have a really strong desire to just keep going then that means the show is on the stand-out list. Of course if I'm a bit more happy to put it on hold then it can still be a good show I would probably buy (or all the levels below), but it's just not the best of the best.

Eden of The East is the first stand-out show I've found from this season's crop. It's got a really intriguing plot, an interesting idea behind it and deep characters - what more could you want?

Tayutama Kiss on my Deity was distinctly "meh". I actually only bothered watching 2 episodes as it sat neatly into a few holes.

Basically, it's an 'instant girlfriend' harem type show. The plot is about spirits and stuff, and to be frank it was kinda uninspired. Also, there seemed to be a severe lack of fan-service, which is normally a staple of this sort of show, so it didn't even have that going for it - plus the character designs weren't too my taste either.

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