Tuesday 24 November 2009

a hundred quid

Yesterday I spent just under £100 on bed linen.

That's a lot of money in anyone's book, but then to be fair I bought a lot of stuff: a duvet, 2 pillows and 3 complete sets of bedsheets, pillow covers and duvet covers.

See, what I think normal people do is they replace things when they need replacing. So if I was normal at the point that my sheets and duvet cover started to wear thin, I would have bought replacements.

I don't do that. I wait until the point where the duvet covers have holes in them and then... well, and then I wait a bit more until the holes are big enough to fit your hand through. At that point I then think about replacing them. And a few years later I get around to it.

As such, rather than the occasional spend on the occasional item, I end up needing to spend a fortune to buy a completely new set of everything :/.

I'm useless like that.

I'm pretty tired today. Yesterday I was bouncing off the walls for some reason, but I seem to have crashed today.

It's actually a little weird that I was hyper yesterday because first thing in the morning I had to go to the dentists. I've mentioned before that I'm not the biggest fan of the dentists.

I think part of it was because I chipped my porcelain crown a few months back and was therefore fully expecting him to say it needs replacing and it would therefore cost me another small fortune, plus involve all the hassle of more trips to the dentist.

However, I mentioned there might be something wrong, but he said he couldn't see any problems. This was really surprising as it was a big lump of stuff that was chipped off and I can see where it's come from.

My guess is that because it was several months ago I've kinda polished the area smooth with brushing, so he couldn't tell it was chipped. Also, the bit that's broken off was kinda a big protuberance, so it breaking off maybe wouldn't seem apparent.

Whatever it was, it's saved me some cash!

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