Thursday 3 December 2009

a day off? blimey!

Day off tomorrow! Hurrah!

I'm hoping to square away some Chrimbo shopping activity. I do most of it online of course, but you always need cards and wrapping paper and stuff like that so I'll hopefully get as many of those boxes ticked as I can.

I'm also hoping I'll get some rest and recuperation time. I've been bloody knackered just recently, and it doesn't help with all the bits of me that are going wrong.

Toe still hurts, although it's better than it was. Also my front tooth starting hurting. The tooth was really sensitive when I was eating and drinking cold stuff, so I think it's just my usual sensitive teeth issues, rather than any sort of new problem. It does mean it feels like I'm falling apart!

I saw some interesting news on the Anno front the other day. They've announced an expansion pack. This adds multiplayer, which I don't really care about, but it also adds loads of other new stuff. It's due for release in February, so I guess I'm kinda doomed to play the game more than I should for a while yet.

And speaking of which, rather ashamedly I started on a new world last night. I know I really shouldn't have done that until I'd gotten further with my other world, but I kinda realised I'd made that original world too easy.

I mean, the whole idea was to play an easy world and build up a massive, well developed population, but I'd done stuff like disable the computer AI players and the Corsairs and it made it kinda dull if I'm honest. It certainly meant I didn't have some options and possibilities for doing stuff.

So I started a new game with more of that stuff turned on. Hopefully I'll stick with it.

I'm also planning on e-baying a load of stuff this weekend. I'm mainly hoping it represents good timing as far as Christmas is concerned. Oh, and I'm also hoping that e-bay wont rape me senseless, but that's kinda a non-starter as I know there's no way they won't.

I'm also hoping that this months' megami finally gets shipped over the weekend. Rather ominously the last issue is still saying "Not yet shipped" even though normally it's sent on or before the release date. In this case that was the 30th of November, which was Monday, so things aren't looking good to be frank.

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