Monday 1 February 2010


I was incredibly busy this weekend, and yet I didn't get everything done that I needed to.

I did a lot of stuff, though. I got my hair cut, did some food shopping, did a massive pile of ironing, cleaned my bedsit, burnt a bunch of watched anime shows to DVD, watched my rental DVD and watched loads of telly. And on top of that I even baked a bread pudding and made my super-bolognaise sauce.

And yet I've come out of the weekend with four unwatched TV shows and a bunch of things like updating my website, getting some stuff on e-bay and reading all of the pile of unread comics (I read about half a dozen, leaving a dozen) either not even attempted or hardly dented.

Plus I've still not got my life sorted out in terms of stuff like scanning or watching the huge pile of unwatched DVDs that still seems to be growing, even though I've tried to reign myself in a bit. I mean I've even somehow managed to enlarge my unread manga pile, even though I read loads of stuff over Christmas.

Plus I didn't get around to looking at buying some new clothes or booking someone to fix my windscreen (I got a chip before Christmas when I was going down to Devon to see my Dad) or the other stuff that I've been putting off because it'll cost me money.

I dunno - it was like there just weren't enough hours in the weekend, and I didn't bother going out or anything.

I really need to come up with a proper plan for some of this stuff.

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