Friday 5 February 2010

i forgetted

I completely forgot to do a blog update yesterday.

To be fair I've been really busy at work, so I do have an excuse.

I've been debating whether to turn comments on for this blog. I originally turned them off because it's kinda depressing having a blog where no-one comments. By turning them off that's not a problem.

See if, as I'm pretty sure, no-one is reading this blog then having comments disabled kinda means I'll never find that out. Also, if some random people do happen to stumble across it and read it, but can't be arsed to comment (it's is a pretty dull blog, after all) then I'll never get the false impression no-one reads it.

Ignorance is bliss, in other words.

I guess I've been debating turning it on because it makes me feel a bit... I dunno, a bit like I'm one of those people at speakers corner who get on their box and shout at the trees and no-one pays them any attention.

Of course the flipside is that I may well be one of those people. Admittedly I'm not ranting and raving about any old random stuff... oh, no, wait... yes I am.

Hmm. I think I'll leave it off for the mo.

I'm getting swamped by telly programs at the moment - the hard-drive on my PVR is bursting with stuff. More than I can probably watch across the entire weekend. Certainly more than I can cope with without TV watching fatigue setting in.

Admittedly I've not got a whole lot else I need to do this weekend so I will probably watch plenty, but the problem seems to be there's a lot on at the moment. Especially in terms of documentaries - there's quite a few wildlife things on that I'm watching and also more random documentary stuff.

I've a feeling I may prune some stuff out.

Well the day away didn't make this any more interesting a blog, huh?

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