Thursday 29 April 2010


Really hectic day at work yesterday.

A work colleague had asked me to recreate a picture he needs for a job, but he wasn't there on Monday or Tuesday to explain it to me, and the notes he'd left me didn't really make a lot of sense. He therefore left me a note saying he would call to explain, but then failed to do so.

Also, bits of it needed decoding from acronyms, and I didn't know what they were. Plus I had loads of other work to do.

Anyway, the upshot was that I didn't do anything about it. And then yesterday it turned out it was fairly urgent. But he didn't say that at all.

So I spent all day, scrabbling around for stuff to use in the picture and drawing it and stuff. Now don't get me wrong, I generally enjoy doing that sort of stuff, but it's always more time consuming than you think. So doing it quickly is very draining.

And it didn't help that what I think he really wanted was way too ambitious. I mean, I could have done it, but it would have taken about a week, which was more time than I would have had even if I had worked on it since the start of the week.

So yeah, I'm pretty knackered today, and I'm not really even sure if what I've produced is what he's after :/.

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