Friday 9 April 2010

wedding bells

So, as mentioned yesterday, this weekend I will be attending the wedding of a work colleague.

To be frank, I'm not entirely looking forward to it.

Don't get me wrong, it's not one of those situations where I don't like the work colleague or anything like that. She's nice and we get on well, I think. The problem is more that that's the only connection - we work together. I don't know any of her friends of family, so it will be one of those situations of knowing nobody there.

No, that's not right - I'll obviously know the other people that are coming from work. Now again, I get on well with all the people at work, but I see them all day at work. Do I really want to be spending social time with them? And we're only a tiny company so we're not talking hundreds of people here - we're not even talking half a dozen, to be honest.

And, more importantly, do I want to be getting drunk around them? I've noticed alcohol tends to loosen my mouth and I'm bound to say something stupid or that otherwise marks me out as the weirdo I am, when I've been doing an okay job of keeping it hidden.

I'm sure I'm worrying needlessly - it'll be a case of a lovely meal and a bunch of speeches, and then I can just pop off when it gets a bit later and people are getting drunk and I'm getting tired. As I said yesterday, I only live a shortish walk way, so I can pretty much head home whenever.

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