Monday 12 July 2010

fuck up

Super late blog post today as I was too busy fucking up at work.

I'm tempted to go on a rant about how it's not really my fault, but I think probably the balance of evidence would show that actually it is basically my fault. My fault with additional circumstances is probably the best way to put it.

Given the horrible state of the UK's economy and the fact that my job is totally reliant on government work, it's not really the time to be fucking up like this.

But the thing that makes it really depressing is I spent all day Sunday working on it. And I don't mean as over-time or even as part of my actual hours - this was me doing it off my own bat, because I realised there was no way I could do it in the allotted time.

For it to turn out that everything I did was stuff I shouldn't have done is a real kick in the balls. serves me right for fucking up, I guess.

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