Friday 6 August 2010

clear out day

Today we're having a "clear-out day" at RED. I'm not sure what this entails so I've pre-written this as I'm pretty sure it won't involve much computer use in its execution. It's more likely to be about sorting through paper folders and chucking stuff away.

As I say, pre-writing this some way ahead, but it's my current plan to have another crack at the stacking crates I filled during my sort out. I don't think I mentioned it on the blog, but a couple of weeks ago I started going through the boxes of comics. I'm pretty sure that no-one will be interested in buying them, but I feel this is the weekend to get at least some of them up on e-bay.

Once I've established there's no interest I can then take them down the recycling centre and dispose of them. I reckon this should free up around half of the stacking crates and will be a big step forward towards finally clearing my life clag.

I'll also be looking forward to the last episode of Sherlock. I was a little worried about this, because, as the name implies, it's a modern reworking of Sherlock Holmes. It's being done partly by Steven Moffat of Doctor Who fame and actually turned out to be really good.

It's essentially a crime thriller series, but there's just enough Holmesy-ness in there to make it feel like Sherlock Holes, without veering into parody or anything like that.

And speaking of telly, the latest series of Top Gear finished last week. The preceding episode was a belter, so a hard act to follow, but this one sort of worked. My only criticism would be the un-necessary and obvious silly-ness in the challenge. The boys were tasked with buying cheap-ish British Sports Cars and given a number of challenges in the usual way (the whole challenges gets points and then tallying them up at the end, which, surely, is the whole point of the challenges, seems to have totally disappeared) but then in each challenge they had a completely stupid silly bit, like blowing a car up or filling it with water.

These were okay in the way blowing anything up is entertaining, but for me they undermined the point of the piece and again acted as blatant scripted moments.

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