Monday 9 August 2010

ooh, my aching back

See, this is one of my problems when it comes to weekends.

Last Friday I explained that we were having a clear out day at work. This basically involved going through lots of cupboards and either throwing stuff away, sending it for recycling or putting it on the burn pile.

As the name suggests, the burn pile is a huge mass of paper that one of the bosses is going to set fire too. It's not exactly environmentally friendly, but there's so much of it that they'd charge at the recycling centre, if they were to accept it at all.

The problem I was referring to was that I also posted on Friday about how I was going to go through some of the crates of stuff - the comics specifically - and get them on e-bay. But that was a stupid plan.

See, the clearout was bloody hard work and also involved a hell of a lot of bending down. This meant my back ached like a bastard on Saturday - so much so that I was hobbling about trying not to bend my back under any circumstances.

The stupid is because I should have thought about it properly and not made the plan to do that stuff. By making the plan and then failing to even get close to doing it, I end up feeling like the weekend was wasted.

Especially since all I really did was sit about watching telly and occasionally playing games. But if I'd really thought about Friday, I could have decided beforehand that that's what I would do and then I wouldn't feel guilty now.

Ah well. My back feels pretty okay now - there's still a bit of a twinge, but nothing like as bad.

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