Wednesday 15 September 2010

£5 you say?

No, five pounds, my good man. Five lots of sixteen ounces. Five of your very best "el-bees" (lb's).

Which odd introductory paragraph is meant to tell you that the big upside of all this physical labour I've been engaging in to keep my landlord happy, is that I appear to be burning fat at a rapid rate of knots.

Let me summarise - this weeks weight loss was a huge 5 pounds, and the increase over previous weeks must mainly be due to the lugging around of boxes.

I think it's also probably due to the fact that last week I made another cut in my caloric intake (dinner has now virtually ceased to exist for me) and also didn't stop walking. Now to be honest, I did trim back on the walking, because of how tired the box-moving has made me, but I didn't stop.

Well, actually, I did stop. On Friday I wanted to do two things. First off, I wanted to rest so that the blisters I'd gotten would have time to heal properly (this sounds like I'm some arctic explorer and my feet were falling off, but it's not like that at all). But secondly, I wanted to see what would happen to the step count if I put the pedometer in my breast pocket, rather than my trouser pocket.

See, for the last few weeks I haven't really been increasing the amount of walking I do, yet my step counter seems to have gone bonkers. And Friday confirmed that this is clearly because when kept in my trouser pocket, the pedometer massively over-counts. I'm guessing this is due to the knocking about it receives, but from now on it's living in my breast pocket as much as possible.

I also didn't walk on Saturday and Sunday. Well, I mean I didn't go for a walk. I did lots of walking, most of it carrying heavy things, so I wasn't too bothered by not doing a proper walk, but the point is that this week I've been back walking again.

So, although I doubt I'll have another 5lb drop any time soon, hopefully it'll keep going in the right direction.

Oh, and I should say that I have theoretically lost a full stone. Unfortunately this stat does depend on that very first reading I took being accurate, which I'm almost certain it wasn't, but even excluding that I've definitely lost more than half a stone, which is pretty good going.

And I also realised that this last weekend marked the four week anniversary of me starting on my diet and exercise plan (wow, that sounds more scientific that "not eating all the pies and not sitting on my fat arse all day").

Still a very long way to go, though.

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