Tuesday 7 September 2010

a better mood

So I'm feeling a lot better today.

The problems yesterday were a bit of a collective coming together. I think if it had just been one or two I'd have been okay, but all together meant I wasn't impressed.

First off, I was tired.

The tiredness stretched back into the weekend. Basically, as mentioned last week, my landlord wants me to move my stuff into his shed. However, he'd utterly failed to clear the shed and didn't seem to be progressing it at all - I even had to prompt him to actually do anything.

This was particularly annoying because it was them banging on about fire hazards. Anyway, he eventually finished on Saturday and knocked on my door. He then had the cheek - the very temerity - when I said I wouldn't do it then, because it was too late, to basically imply I was dragging my feet. Fucking cheek of the man.

Anyway, I therefore decided I would do it very first thing Sunday morning. It would serve as quite good exercise and needed doing and would also help get him off my back. However, I was a bit shocked at just how much there really was to do.

I've been careful not to overload the boxes as much as I can and had also worked out something of an order to put them in to avoid to many unnecessary problems as I e-bay the stuff, so it was pretty quick and efficient, but man it was hard work.

And to be perfectly frank I'm not actually finished - there's a whole bunch of stuff that really also needs to go out there. However, the problem has been that I've not had any room to manoeuvre. But the point is I moved everything I needed to at that time and it was bloody hard work.

But then, in the afternoon, I had a shed load of stuff to put on e-bay. And I'm not kidding here - I currently have 73 active auctions on e-bay. And that's with me having had 20-odd on from last week.

The 73 is a long way from representing everything I need to e-bay., but it represents probably 90% of the stuff that I can e-bay right away. A lot of the rest of it either needs me to watch/read/play it or actually needs throwing away.

I've actually been a bit surprised that so many of the thing I've put up have been selling. Especially the old comics - I mean, a lot of them are incomplete runs of comics from the best part of 20 years ago, and yet they're selling. Okay, they're not selling for good prices - most are going for 99p, which is on the borderline of being a loss - but they are selling.

Anyway, so all that was why I was tired - I did loads of stuff on Sunday. And that was on top of going for a really long walk on Saturday.

A really long walk that had resulted in a second blister. I don't know why, but when I started with the walking I didn't get any blisters, but then last week I got quite a bad one on my heel.

I decided that I should therefore switch shoes, as the blister might have been due to rubbing. I say might have been because sometimes I get blisters for other reasons, and I actually suspect that's what caused this one. Anyway, it turned out that the shoes I switched to rubbed one of my toes and caused a blister there too.

So yeah, the weekend was a bit rubbish from all those points of view. Especially as the time I spent doing all that crap meant I didn't really get any time to relax or enjoy myself.

So when Monday rolled around I wasn't feeling great due to the above, but I thought work would be relatively smooth.

But it wasn't smooth.

See, I've been rewriting a report that someone else did. The report she produced has good content, but the structure was poor and she has a rather... formal approach to language. In other words, she tends to write these enormous, run on sentences full of overly-syllabic words.

So I'd started rewriting it on Friday, which, by the way, we can't really afford to do as she's blown loads of time already (annoying, much of it on format and format is the thing we need to worry about least at this stage) and got in on Monday to find she's basically read the being-edited version and has sent a whiny, overly-anal e-mail about how we've messed it all up.

This is highly unprofessional behaviour to say the least and also meant the whole process took ages longer than it should, and as noted, we didn't have the time. Plus it put a cloud over the whole thing as it's not nice when you're halfway through a job like that to have the person look over your shoulder and tell you you've made a complete arse of it.

Not least of all when that person has, to be frank, done a piss-poor job in the first place.

So yeah, wasn't really feeling jolly and happy yesterday.

If the person hadn't been working remotely, cross words might have been exchanged.

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