Wednesday 8 September 2010

good news, everybody!

So there was no DVD rental this last weekend either. It sometimes works out that way, and to be frank I don't think I would have had time to watch it anyway.

I thought therefore I'd talk a bit about the weight and walking thing (that makes a change, huh?).

First off - the best bit. I lost another 2 pounds!

Unlike last week when I was pretty convinced I'd gained, I had thought I would loose some, although I wasn't sure it would be 2 pounds again. To put that two pounds into context, a bag of sugar weighs a smidge over 2 pounds. If you pick up a bag of sugar, it's not so heavy that you're straining, but it's a weighty thing, so you get a good feel for how much that represents.

Also, as noted last week, each pound of fat holds around 3,500 calories and that would broadly appear to track with my pedometer readings and my diet/calorie count.

I'm still not up to the mythical 10,000 steps-a-day, but hen I have the advantage (1) of being fat, which actually helps on that front. Each step for me is like a normal person carrying a big heavy rucksack with them, so if I was doing 10,00 that would actually be more like - I dunno - 12,500 for a normal person.

I've actually been debating whether to put my step count on here or not. See, the problem is I believe the counter is not accurate, but I think it's not accurate because it counts steps when I'm doing things like driving. So, weekdays it's quite a bit over because of driving to work, but weekend there's little to no driving, so it's much more accurate, but I also have more free time, so do more walking.

Now you might think the solution would be to take off the pedo when driving or whatever, but the problem was when I try that forget about it and either leave it at home or in the car and things get really inaccurate.

Also, since I now know these things I can generally compensate and they also give me a flavour of what I'm doing. I basically reckon my actual step count is about 20% less than what this pedometer shows, but even taking that off I'm still on my targets.

I'm also hoping that the extra stuff I'll need to do in lugging all my e-bay wares about will help bump up my exercise over the next couple of weeks. I've got a bit of a hankering to really push the boat out and do loads of walking over the next couple of weeks, although I have fears of more blisters.

I think I'm feeling like that because at the end of the month I've got a holiday and am going to visit my dad - part of me thinks it would be really nice if he notices I'm slightly skinnier. Another part of me thinks if I get my hopes p that he will and he doesn't I'll feel a bit crushed.

Even if he doesn't, it's my plan over the week off to really put in the miles and do a lot of walking. Hopefully when I visit him I'll get a new set of walking boots as there's quite a good shop near him. I can then try and break the new boots in a bit.

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