Monday 27 September 2010

a bit much?

So the latest moment of truth was upon my this last Sunday for my final official weigh-in before my holiday.

And the news is almost scarily good, as I've apparently lost 6 pounds.

If I'm honest I'm not entirely sure what to make of that, because that's a lot of weight to shed in just a single week. I'm partly of the opinion that it's due to rounding errors - perhaps last week I lost, say, 1.4 pounds, which would only show up as 1 pound and then this week it's more like 5 pounds, but due to rounding on the scale it makes it look like 6 pounds.

But even then, 5 pounds is quite a bit to drop in one week. I mean, where last week I was unsurprised due to a bad week and this week I was pretty certain it was good week, there didn't seem to be that much difference between them.

Sure I did do a bit more walking, and I didn't have any blip days where I ate a bit much, but we're not talking miles and miles extra and it's not like last week I ate pie and chips every night.

But maybe I should calm down a bit. As I understand it it's actually not good for your heart to loose weight very rapidly. And I don't want to be one of those people who loose loads of weight suddenly and then have all this flabby extra skin.

And I have to confess that the whole walking thing is becoming a bit difficult. I've pretty much managed to keep going at the weekends. And even when I've had off days in terms of steps it's been because I've been shifting boxes around, which counts as quite good exercise is my opinion.

But now that the nights (or, more accurately, the mornings) are drawing in I'm finding the morning walks a real struggle. It's one thing to get up at 6:30am on a summer morning and go for a stroll in a t-shirt and shorts, it's quite another to get up on a dark, dingy and sometimes damp morning and trudge around togged up in tracky bottoms and a jumper with a coat and hat because it's so cold.

It doesn't help that I turn my heating off over night to save money, so first thing in the morning it's super-snuggly and warm under my nice thick duvet (I packed away the thin summer duvet and broke out the thick winter one a few weeks back) and freezing out from under it.

And again we come back to the real issue here - I need to go for a walk when I get back from work. I mean, if the evening walk was of a decent length, I might even be able to abandon my morning walk and still keep the steps at a reasonable level. But that has implications in terms of loosing the time I use to relax and watch telly or play games.

Plus, the way I've been dieting is that I've almost done away with the meal of dinner. I mean, I do still eat something in the evening, but it's ages since I had what you would recognise as a meal proper.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not bemoaning the loss of the food (I've been rather amazed actually that I'm not actually having any problems), but I am slightly worried that if I go for a long walk I'll return ravenous and it'll cause the diet to slip.

1 comment:

Amy said...

How long would the evening walk be? How long did it take for you to make/eat dinner before?

I know that I spend about an hour cooking each evening then we watch a 40 minute TV show over eating, so I devote a fair bit if time to it. If I were to watch a 20 minute show instead, I could go for a 20 minute walk and still use the same amount of time.

Perhaps the theory is simply overwhelming you and the practice will be more doable.

My therapist keeps telling me I have to just do things then they're not so scary. :p