Wednesday 29 September 2010


So today will almost certainly be my last blog entry for a good couple of weeks, as I'm going on holiday.

The plan is basically that tomorrow and Friday morning I'm going to do some room re-arrangement for when I'm away. While I'm gone my landlord will do the final bit of the decorating, so I'm going to more the furniture around and put some more stuff out in the shed so it's out of the way for him.

I'll also probably stick a bunch of stuff in the kitchen and in the bathroom as he won't be touching them. Well, as I understand it he won't be touching them - knowing how his plans change at the drop of hat anything could happen.

I'll also pack, which will be more complicated that you might imagine. See, my holiday proper is in two parts. The first bit I'm spending with my dad. It's his birthday and I've not really seen him much this year, so I'll be staying with him for a few days.

The second part of the holiday I'm basically booked into a hotel and I'm going to do two things - walk and watch DVDs. The first is pretty obvious - I can use the opportunity of not working to go on some reasonable sized walks and hopefully I won't lapse with the diet, so I'm kinda hoping to return a good few pounds lighter than I went.

The second part is to have a great big push of watching anime and other DVDs so that, upon my return, I can whack most, if not all of them on e-bay.

I then return home and there's the weekend and the Monday for me to catch up on all the domestic stuff before I'm back to work. I'm unsure at this stage whether I'll have the energy to re-arrange my room when I get back. I'm guessing probably not and I'll basically wait until the following weekend before I really start back with the sorting out.

There is also another potential problem there in that we'll be well into Autumn and the weather could start to play a big factor. My big fear is that we have another super-damp and cold autumn and winter and I get lazy and don't sell the stuff I need to. This is a fear because then there's a good chance of it getting wet and then going mouldy. And cold and damp is also not kind to electrical components, of which there are quite a few in the boxes currently out in the shed.

But anyway - I'll see you on the other side.

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