Tuesday 19 October 2010

okay, now I'm confused

When I weighed myself on Sunday morning I discovered that I've apparently lost 5 pounds.

And I haven't a clue how.

You see, last week, while I wouldn't exactly describe it as a disastrous week, I did stray from my proper regime. By that I mean that, now that it's turned cold and the nights (and mornings) are drawing in, I just wasn't able to summon the mental fortitude to go for my morning walk or to walk in the evenings.

Don't get me wrong - I still went for a walk at lunchtime, even increasing the length of that walk, but a quick look at the old pedometer shows this wasn't enough and meant my step count dropped. I also still walked at the weekend, though even there I didn't manage to break past the 10,000 steps where I have on some previous weekends.

Also, I had a bit of cock-up with bread, so ended up having to eat an extra loaf. When you remember that it's the eating of too much bread that I thought was the reason I wasn't loosing weight before, you can understand why I didn't think it was a good week. If you add in the fact that I chose to consume said bread via French toast, you can see why loosing 5 pounds has mystified me.

I mean, the previous week I walked miles and miles, but slipped with the diet and had therefore assumed the two cancelled each other out (I lost 1 pound). This last week I didn't do as much exercise and slipped a little with my diet and yet lost loads (5 pounds).

I was tying to think that maybe there's a delayed effect from the exercise from the previous week, but then where does that leave the junk food eating I did - shouldn't I have gained weight?

The ray of hope possibly comes from the weather, in that now it's turned proper cold I'm burning more calories by way of just trying to keep warm. Certainly when I was out walking on Sunday morning it was really apparent how cold it was - I was wearing a hooded jumper with the hood up and my heavier coat and didn't really warm up until about half way.

So I dunno. On the one hand I'm pleased at the loss, but I'm not sure how it's happened. Which you may wonder why I'm bothered, but the thing is I need to loose so much weight that it would be good to work out exactly what process works best, because that will allow me to repeat it.

1 comment:

Amy said...

The problem is that the equation everyone likes of calories in and calories out isn't that simple. There are loads of variables in that and compounding factors. In my case for example, I have PCOS and I take steroids. Both mean weight gain.

Your theory about the colder weather has merit. In my experience, messing up one or two days doesn't have a huge effect, so long as you get back to normal afterwards.

Take your five pound loss and run with it. :D