Thursday 25 November 2010

edging ever closer

The weekend revealed another step closer to my weight loss goal for the year.

And it was a much more impressive change than last week, as I'd lost 4 pounds. I now need to loose about 11 pounds before the end of the year and if I can have a few weeks where I achieve weight loss like this last weekend I may well reach my goal before Christmas.

I'm not planning on doing that - the goal is still the end of the year, so if I don't get there before Chrimbo I won't be too disappointed. Still, it'd be nice to no longer be morbidly obese before Christmas... and eating and drinking too much and putting some of it back on again :/.

I think I've mentioned this before, but one of the things I've been doing to help me exercise is listen to audiobooks. I'm pretty sure I did mention it, as, in order to get the audiobooks I joined Amazon's audible site and discovered the books have a horrible DRM that it's a pain to get around (you have to burn them to CD via iPlayer (yuck) and then rip them from CD, which takes ages).

The reason I started listening to the books was because I'd been trying to listen to songs and not really enjoying it.

See, I know when people run they tend to put playlists together and listen to them, and I think that might work because you can choose songs all of a roughly similar tempo. You can then run too that tempo. But I have several problems - firstly I don't really like listening to random songs, as I prefer to listen to complete albums and secondly, the faff of putting together a playlist just seems like too much hassle.

But also, and most importantly, I found it difficult to match the tempos. Obviously, when you're listening to an album (well, an album of proper music, not some dance tracks where all the tempos are the same) you're going to get varying tempos, but also when you walk in real life, rather than run on a treadmill your pace varies all over the shop.

You might have to walk uphill for a bit, then downhill, or you might be on a nicely tarmaced pavement before then walking down some pot-holed track. So you can't really maintain the same pace of walking, so I found listening to music slightly unhelpful.

With an audiobook it doesn't matter - people don't talk at a fixed tempo. Also, you can actively listen to what they're saying and obviously enjoy it. And as a bonus it's a good way of reading and therefore doing something "productive" while I do something "unproductive" (the quotes are because yes, I appreciate that technically, doing exercise is a different sort of productive, but in my mind it's dead or wasted time, which, when you analyse it, is probably a big part of how I ended up the way I am).

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