Tuesday 15 February 2011

one more to go

I was wondering if I shouldn't make a bit of a confession.

The thing about these diet blog posts just recently is they always seem to revolve around such confessions. It seems every week I've put some new obstacles in my own path that's prevented me from loosing a big wodge of weight like I did last year.

This week's was actually one of the remaining problems from Christmas. Basically, I consumed the last of the free food my dad gave me. This was actually a huge packet of custard cream biscuits.

The confession wasn't that I sat down and ate them all in one sitting or anything, it was that I'd been eating them steadily across the week. What makes it a confession is I did this without compensating for the calories, so there's a good chance that my two pound loss could have been a three pound loss, and that would have meant I hit the target I keep going on about.

But I'm kind of bored of posts like that.

I've actually decided I'm going to try and eat the stores of food I keep. Again, not as a blow-out or anything, but over the next few weekends I'll have them as my meals instead of the more diety meals. It'll be a trickle feeding of bad stuff that should mean I'll still consistently loose weight, but it'll be on the scale of 1 or 2 pounds like recently, rather than the big drops pre-Christmas.

What I'm hoping to do is end up such that by summer I've not got all this food stored and then, with the days being generally warmer and lighter for longer, a return to my full on diet combined with more exercise should see me have a good summer.

A problem that might create is that I'm seriously starting to need some new clothes. My various trousers in particular have these weird creases in them where the excess of material gets bunched up because I'm having to use belts or tied drawstrings to keep them from falling down.

This is great of course, but I've been trying to avoid the issue since it's going to be expensive to get new stuff. Especially since in 6 months I'll probably need yet more replacements.

I went for a particularly long walk this last Saturday lunchtime as we had some very pleasant weather. I then went for a particularly unpleasant walk on Sunday as we had some really horrible weather. It was weird to have such extremes in such a short period of time, but I'm pleased I did lots of walking.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm not sure how handy you are with a needle and a thread... but! What you do it get hold of some elastic, and sew sections in around the waist band of your trousers. It'll pull the fabric in tidily all the way around.