Friday 9 December 2011

chrimbalo lunchings

It's the work Christmas lunch today.

Some companies have a full-on bash, and we used to do that when I first joined, but a few years back it turned into more of a long lunch at a pub thing.  It's usually okay, marred only by the fact that we have to go back to work afterwards.

I went for traditional Turkey and Christmas Pud of course.  I know some people don't really like turkey - the breast can get quite dry - or can get sick of it, but my viewpoint is that it's Christmas, so you should have a Christmas meal.  Also I think Turkey is okay and I don't really have it any other time of the year, so what the hell.

Also, on a more fundamental level, Christmas meal is basically just a roast with a few more trimmings than usual, so since I love roasts I actually quite like it.

It's been a particularly horrible week, having been suffering with this cold.  Things have been getting better in the last couple of days, but were I not so busy I'd have taken a couple of days off at the start of the week for sure.

Hopefully, the weekend should prove relatively quiet.  We're now out of the Grand Prix season, so I kind of get my weekends back for a bit, if you see what I mean.  I've also got a days leave booked for Monday.

The plan is to do some Chrimbo shopping, as previously mentioned, though it may well be a case of looking at things in shops and then buying them on line.  I mean I will definitely be buying a few bits in the high street (plus things like wrapping and cards) but you can just get more bang for your buck online is the simple fact of the matter.

So yeah, I won't be back blogging until Tuesday.

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