Friday 19 October 2012

nowt to do

This weekend I'm going to try and do a bit of catching up.

As I've blogged before I've got quite a lot of TV stuff unwatched so I'm going to try and clear some of that.  I was intending to watch quite a bit last weekend, but I didn't have as much free time as I'd initially envisaged, plus I ended up doing a lot of internet stuff.

This was good as I'd quite a bit of that backed up too, but it all took a surprisingly long time.  A lot of it was actually reading newsletters and articles by various people I follow on the net and it struck me that I used to do all that stuff while I was at work.

You know what it's like - you take ten minutes to read an article or a newsletter e-mail.  But just recently I've been so busy that I don't have that time spare any more.  Sometimes I don't have time to do anything except work - and that's with me getting in at 08:00 and going home at 18:00.

I therefore now find myself having to do all that stuff at home in big chunks because it's all gotten stacked up.

I mean, in some ways it's good to be busy at work, but in others it's tedious to basically do nothing but work all the time.

It's no wonder I don't watch any anime and I end up with stacks of DVDs and Blu-Rays to watch - I barely had time to watch a few of them before, nowadays I barely have time to read the e-mails telling me the DVDs have been dispatched!

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