Monday 22 October 2012

a sunday of fun

So things haven't really been going quite as planned at work.

The main problem has been this issue that I was meant to be taking some time to develop a bunch of tools and processes for me/us to use.  However, in order to do that I needed totally clear decks.  And I never got totally clear decks.

Really I reckon if I had been able to clear the decks I could have gotten it done in about a week, but instead it's been months of me doing tiny bits and then having to work on something else.  It also hasn't helped that I keep being hit by bombshells, which is to say people keep throwing things at me that change the whole point of what I'm doing.

A very good example is we're meant to be getting a new contact manager.  That's fair enough - it's long overdue - but the idea, apparently, is to use it to do a lot of stuff automatically.  And much of that overlaps with what I'm supposed to be developing.

However, even though I was told we were getting it, many weeks have gone by and they're only just starting work on it.  And it'll be months before its' ready.

So what am I meat to do in the meantime?

And this keeps happening.

My decision each time is to re-do what I've already done so it's a bit more flexible and then basically just plough on - I need this stuff to get done, and as soon as possible.  If it changes later, then it changes.  For now it needs finishing.

And it was with that thought in mind that I came in this Sunday and finished off some really big chunks of it.  Indeed it's almost ready to "launch", although I have just discovered I've deleted something I shouldn't have, but I can recreate that.

Of course it'll be a long way from properly finished in the way I want it to be, but the basics will be in place, and I can crack on with more normal stuff until some of these other changes pan out.

Sunday was actually hugely productive - without the distractions of the normal office (some elements of the office in particular) I got loads done.  As I say, not finished, but a lot done.

Of course it doesn't help me address my stack of unwatched TV programmes, though I did come in late today to compensate a bit.

And nobody's paying me for Sundays... remind me again why I'm still working here?

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