Thursday 5 June 2008

Separate blogs

I've been wondering whether I shouldn't start a separate blog and put some of my writing up on it. I read somewhere that publishers like to read blogs and if someone whose manuscript they've read and liked has a blog with stuff on that they can read then that isn't a bad thing.

Of course that sort of presupposes I'm going to be a bit more dedicated with writing stuff - I couldn't start a blog like that, post one or two things and then abandon it as I think that would have the opposite effect.

I guess I could sample some stuff from my more dormant projects, plus put my older short stories on there.

Hmm, something to give some thought.

I've been struggling with my back again just recently. It's my own fault - all those hours sat in the same position playing Civ3 at home have clearly not gone well with my back.

I first did my back quite a few years ago now and have had a few minor twinges since then, but this is the first really proper hurts-like-a-bugger type relapse I've had.

The problem is actually a trapped nerve, and I'm told that were it hurts isn't actually were the nerve is trapped. The nerve is trapped somewhere in the spine, but because of where/how the pressure is on it, it actually feels like it's in my lower back. This means that the pain is slightly counter-intuitive. The positions you'd imagine would hurt don't but moves you'd think would be fine are agony.

Guess I need to lay off the Civ3 for a bit, but looking on the bright side it means I have a legitimate excuse for not doing any scanning - sitting in my computer chair for hours on end was what caused the problem, so I can't do that until it's right and that's where I do the scanning.

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