Thursday 3 July 2008

big gun(s)

My new yoko (from Gurren Lagann) figure turned up last night. It's really rather nice, although there's a bit of dodgyness with the gun.

I've got a few figures where they're holding things like guns. They're always separate items that you have to slot in, but normally if they're long (like a pole or a spear) the item itself breaks in two so that you can easily slide it between their fingers and then pop on the end pieces.

However, with this yoko figure, the gun doesn't break and you have to bend her fingers in order to get the gun in. I mean, obviously they're plastic so her fingers do bend and go back to how they were, but still it's a bit of a heart-stopping moment prizing her fingers apart. It's certainly not something I'd want to do over-and-over again.

Also started watching Ai Yori Aoshi last night - got through six eps. I'm a little disappointed, tbh. The first three eps were really nice - sort of a romantic comedy/slice of life thing with ecchi that looked like it was going to be something a bit special. Then suddenly, in episode four it degenerates into a fairly standard harem style show.

Not that I don't like those sorts of shows, just the sudden change was a bit of a shock, plus I've seen loads of those already. What the first 3 eps were was something different and a bit more interesting.

It's weird - it changes so suddenly it's almost like they had one writer and then he suddenly got fired when the studio found out that he wasn't doing a proper harem show. I'm sure it's actually based on a manga where the same thing happens, but still it's a really sudden shift.

Well, my 4 day weekend beckons. Hopefully I'll get everything done that I want/need to, but either way it's going to be nice to have a bit of time away from work.

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