Wednesday 2 July 2008

thinking in moments

Part of the problem I have with the way my imagination seems to work when I'm writing is that it operates in snatched, often very visual moments.

Take for instance this piece. It's currently the third part of a longer piece. But it didn't start that way.

It started as a random cool thing that I thought up and wrote down. I then wove it into the story--indeed, the story almost developed around that piece. The part went through about 5 revisions, but that opening line--servos stuttering into life--never really changed.

This is really a mixed bag. It can be really frustrating having only a "cool bit" and not being able to properly weave anything else around it.

It can also be annoying. Sometimes by the time I've thought of the plot some other cool bit will be in my imagination which has absolutely no relevance the the previous cool bit.

But on the other hand, it can be exciting not knowing quite what's going to pop out of my head next.

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