Monday 30 June 2008

to sell or not to sell

Next week-end I'm taking a long week-end. I've booked both the Friday and Monday off.

The basic intention is to have a big sort out and decide what stuff I can sell and throw out a bunch of stuff. I'm a bit of a pack-rat, so I tend to horde stuff, sticking it in boxes and hiding it away when most normal, sane people would just throw it away.

I've loads of DVDs and manga and books and comics, but I've got conflicting emotions and am in a bit of a quandary over how far I should go. A big part of me wants to get rid of everything.

Here are the factors:

  • I've already read/watched them once/twice/several times and I have literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of unwatched stuff that I will get stuck into before ever getting the chance to look at the old stuff again.
  • They take up a hell of a lot of space that I really don't have.
  • They also need to be lugged about every time I move (and are kinda a big factor in me not moving).
  • There's an emotional connection - these are the things that define 'me'.
  • Conversely, I feel like sometimes I'm too materialistic about stuff and feel a bit weighed down by all the stuff I own.
  • Since I'm trying to stop buying everything and anything, they kinda represent the 'classics' that I can watch over and again, so they aren't 'dead weight'.
  • They represent locked up capital and I could really do with the cash their sale would generate.
  • Another big factor, especially for the DVDs, is that of redundancy. I got hit quite badly when DVDs came in with loads of VHS that were basically unsellable. However, it's not quite the same thing here - it's not like DVD looks bad, like VHS did. Also, to go blu-ray I'd need to complete upgrade my TV and stuff as well, so that's not going to happen for a long time.


What I'm tempted to do is be merciless and get rid of what I can on e-bay. But stuff I'm really reticent to sell I can use "buy it now" and fix them at a fairly high price so that if they do sell, I won't fell like I've given them away.

The problem with this strategy is e-bay does tend to hit you with high charges if you put things on with large prices and then if they don't sell it tends to wipe out any money you do make from normal auctions.

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