Tuesday 10 March 2009

return of the ants

Worrying sign yesterday - there were a few ants running along the floor.

It seems a bit early in the year for them to have appeared, as it's still pretty cold, but I guess it is spring now.

I put down these "ant trap" things that I bought a while back. They're supposed to have stuff in them that they take back to nest and it kills the queen or something. I couldn't see much evidence of the ants taking much interest in them, though.

I had a really difficult time trying to find anything to deal with the ants last year - everywhere I thought would sell ant powder didn't for some reason. I've a few more ideas now and may try looking on the interwebs.

Part of the problem is I have no idea where the nest is or how they're getting in. Every time I see them they seemed to be in a different place, and what's more it was illogical where they were. It's like at one point they were in a particular cupboard. They'd obviously got in because my tin of golden syrup was there and they were after the sugar.

But when I looked around the edges of the cupboard I couldn't see a trail of them going in or out. However, the cupboard is attached to the wall, but it's not an external wall - it's an internal wall. Does that mean the nest is in the wall? That seems bizarre - how the hell would they have got in there?

Bloody things.

I watched Gatekeepers 21 last night.

It's pretty good. I mentioned I've seen it before, but I hadn't watched the original gatekeepers, so I don't think I really understood it. Gatekeepers 21 is a short 6-part OAV and is set closer tot he present day, so it actually stars the descendents of the original gatekeepers.

My only real criticism is that they did bugger about with some aspects of the original. Some of these meant the show made more sense, but others just seemed a bit random. It's a bit more adult - if Gatekeepers is basically a Japanese shounen action show, then gatekeepers 21 shares more in common with dark American superhero comics. The hero is a bit maladjusted and dislikes the world around her.

The animation was pretty good, but then you tend to get that with OAVs. Overall I quite enjoyed it, and it's a good sequel.

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